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Thursday, September 28, 2006



The abandonment of this blog is temporary. Really.

My internship is coming to an end, and I'm seriously thinking about going back to school.

In other news, suppose the Fibonacci rabbits had a fixed, finite lifespan? Suppose, for instance, that they spent one month as babies, three months as reproducing adults, and one month as old, non-reproducing rabbits before dying. The recursive formula ends up being more complex than I would have thought:

f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) - 2*f(n-5) + f(n-6) + f(n-7)

Hello, Glad you are back. Happy to hear you may be closer.. possibly. Hopefully with in viewing distance.
Long time ** no see :0)!!! Alls very
quite around here. Beth and Kate are at wedding practice and then be in on a dinner.Wedding being tomorrow,Sat.
Jons at work as craig and jan are too.
That leaves me and of course 2 dogs and
girl cat ** spankers! Well Miah drop a line my way.Yoo Mama just called,told her I am just now talking to you.)Take
care... much love...G_Ma
There are great colleges in Cincinnati, and I could use a roommate...;-)

What level of education are you thinking of going for. Your doctorate at this point or another masters degree?
It breathes.

Hmmm... Blogger seems to have eaten my comment, so I'll try again.

"It Types" would be more accurate based on the available information. After all, he might have held his breath while typing. ;^D And even if he dictated the post to someone else, that would only require an out-breath, so long as he spoke quickly enough.
*sighs and descends into the dark and dank realm of semantics* If he dictated the post, then he would have necessarily neither breathed nor typed. He had to be alive to dictate, unless he communicated with some psychic from the netherworld, in which case he is neither truly breathing, typing, or living. Still, he must be able to think to dictate; if he thinks, therefore, he is. The most appropriate statement, then, would be:

It is.
Unless it's an imposter! ;^D

Which leads me to wonder...why is Evil, Inc. the only comic not alphabetized? Is it a sign? A cry for help?!? A completely meaningless oddity?!?!?? *cues Twilight Zone theme*
[mood music plays hesitantly in background, lights are dim; deep-voiced, accented narrator rambles in suspicion] Is it really in alphabetical order? Or is it really a complicated mathematical code that only happens to be mostly in said order? [music and vocal drama build, lights flicker wildly ] Perhaps, indeed, it is a code that contains all the answers to the mysteries of the universe!

Ah, yes! [music and light surcease, plunging readers into dark anticipation] It has been discovered--The Fibonacci Code!
And he has now alphabetized them ALL and added another one!!! Clearly we were onto something and he wished to throw us off the trail!

(Or possibly on something? Chocolate comes to ;^D)
I blame coffee.
Is that anything like the cough drop defense? ;^)
Or even the Twinkie Defense.
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