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Friday, August 25, 2006



I've spent the past week grading placement tests, waiting for more placement tests to come in so I can grade them, trying to obtain definitive instructions for the grading system, and organizing all the data into a spreadsheet. Also, I had to break up the 10 files containing the solutions manual into 77 files. Now those 77 files all have to be broken into sections within each file, and each section needs a unique header. I've already done that for the first two chapters, but most of that job will be for early next week.

Meanwhile, the Ebys are having more houseguests this weekend than they have guest rooms to support, and the solution they have arrived at is to let me stay at Rivendell (one of the cabins they rent) for the weekend. This means I'll be without web access, so don't look for me online for a few days.

Thursday, August 17, 2006



I finished the solutions manual about an hour and a half ago.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006



When constructing a regular polyhedron out of paper, one generally starts by drawing connected regular polygons, such that when they are cut out and folded on the common edges, they will become the faces of the solid. This process leads to a question. Assuming the polyhedron is made from a single piece of paper, how many different ways are there to draw the polygons? It turns out this is equivalent to the question of how many trees can be drawn on the dual polyhedron, where the vertices and edges of the trees are vertices and edges of the solid, and such that all the vertices are used.

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