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Thursday, December 22, 2005



I'm posting this from my mom's computer, since I'm visiting my family for a couple of weeks. Tomorrow my sister and I are planning to go finish our Christmas shopping together. Things are pretty much the same as I remember them here. The family cat is still the undisputed queen of the house. She's changed her habits slightly and will sometimes sit on someone's lap for as long as two minutes.

I'm just getting over a cold that I've had for most of a week. This prevented me from playing hockey, or at least that was my excuse, but maybe I was just being a wimp. After all, my roommate got hit in the lip with a rubber ball we were using for a puck, had to get five stitches in it, and went back and played again the next night. The nurse at the hospital was from Canada, and was disappointed to learn that we played without skates.

We still haven't decided when exactly we should open presents. Christmas morning has the disadvantage of being a Sunday morning, and we are supposed to go to our relatives' house (a ten minute drive) after church. I suggested either Saturday or Monday, so as not to be rushed either morning, but so far a concensus has not been reached.

Meanwhile, I'm looking at a movie poster for Holes which is attached to the side of my sister's locker (yes, she has a locker) so I think I'll end with a deep thought (pun intended): Hector Zeroni's nickname is "Zero", and the numeral 0 is shaped like a hole.

You as sharp as ever!!! Glad to hear you are home...maybe some slow time will heal you. Hope so. Luv Ya
:-) My family sometimes opens presents on Christmas eve. However, this has become impractical since my mom has become the Methodist Church's organist, and is usually playing all through Christmas eve.
Yeah, we did the gift thing on the 24th a couple of years ago, but the experience rather predjudiced us against it as we didn't start until past one o'clock in the morning. I don't remember why we chose to do it in the first place, but we did, and we probably will tonight, as well.
Actually, we did open presents tonight. Someone else took the 20:00 service, so my mom actually had time. Which means I can concentrate on cooking tomorrow (coconut custard, coconut rice, coconut chicken curry).
Coconut is really fatty. Or at least the oil is. I learned that in my chemistry class. It's a handy excuse, since I can't stand the stuff.
Then you've never had it cooked right. If you've only had coconut sweetened in confectionary, you've never had coconut. And it isquite fatty. It's used rather like whole milk and butter are in the west.
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